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NFAS 02/2012 February 2012 To: ALL ACCREDITED AND SUSPENDED FEEDLOTS AMENDMENT TO THE NFAS RULES & STANDARDS ­ 2011 PURPOSE: The purpose of this NFAS Advice is to inform Accredited Feedlots and Feedlots in Voluntary Suspension that the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC) has approved an amendment to the NFAS Rules and Standards ­ 2011. The amendment identifies"Approved Standard Methodologies" which may be used to determine the metabolizable energy (ME) in feedlot rations. BACKGROUND: FLIAC have become aware of discrepancies in test results for metabolizable energy (ME) in feedlot rations using various analytical methodologies. As a result, FLIAC initiated an evaluation of the various methodologies used by analytical laboratories in determining metabolizable energy (ME) to establish "Approved Standard Methodologies" which will give comparable and repeatable test results. This evaluation was conducted by ALFA and AUS-MEAT. Based on this evaluation FLIAC has determined that: 1. the "Approved Standard Methodologies for the estimation of metabolizable energy are NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) and Wet Chemistry; and 2. for the Wet Chemistry method the Approved Calculation for metabolizable energy (ME) which must be used is: ME (MJ/Kg DM) = 0.12xCP + 0.31xEE+0.05xCF+0.14xNFE Any other methods used for ME calculation will require written approval by FLIAC. AMENDMENT TO THE STANDARD The NFAS Standards are amended as follows ELEMENT PI2 - FEEDLOT RATIONS OUTCOME: Feeding standards of the AUS-MEAT Minimum Standards for Grain Fed Beef (Refer Appendix 4) and other feeding Standards are met. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1. Ration analysis records are maintained, which, in the opinion of AUS-MEAT, confirm the average metabolizable energy (ME) content of the fed ration in accordance with the following criteria: a) ration analysis for ME must be conducted using the Approved Standard Methodologies for the estimation of metabolizable energy which are NIRS and Wet Chemistry. In the case of Wet Chemistry the Approved Calculation for metabolizable energy (ME): ME (MJ/Kg DM) = 0.12xCP + 0.31xEE + 0.05xCF + 0.14xNFE; b) any other methods used for ME calculation must be approved in writing by FLIAC; c) ration analysis must be available for the feedlot's principle rations with the mo st current test having been performed within three (3) months of the assigned Audit Cluster Period; d) where a feedlot mixes their own ration, a typical analysis (formulation estimate) is not acceptable evidence of a ration's compliance with ME requirements of the AUS-MEAT Minimum Standards of Grain Fed Beef; where a commercial ration is utilized a specification or letter of conformity must be retained to demonstrate compliance with ME requirements of the AUS-MEAT Minimum Standard for Grain Fed Beef; e) where ration analysis records which confirm the average ME content of the fed ration are not maintained, AUS-MEAT will obtain a sample of the as-fed ration for independent analysis at a NATA approved stock feed testing laboratory. The cost of ration analysis will be borne by the Feedlot. Failure of Feedlot management to permit a sample of feed to be taken shall be recorded in the Audit report and brought to the attention of FLAIC. 2. Feed fed to Cattle does not contain animal products with the exception of exemptions that may be applied from time to time by statutory authorities. 3. When rations are mixed at the Feedlot staff are aware of the Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Home-mixed Feeds (SCA 1991) and a copy should be available at the Feedlot. Although not a mandatory Code, this Code provides a reference of industry best practice. APPLICATION This amendment will come into effective from receipt of this advice. ACTION REQUIRED 1. Ensure that rations are analysed by NATA accredited laboratories using an Approved Methodology i.e. either NIR or Wet Chemistry; and 2. Ensure the Approved Calculation for metabolizable energy (ME) is used by the NATA accredited analytical laboratory i.e. ME (MJ/Kg DM) = 0.12xCP + 0.31xEE + 0.05xCF + 0.14xNFE. For further information relating to this Advice contact Craig Firrell at AUS-MEAT on 1800 621 903. d) Denis Brett General Manager ­ Standards and Technical Services AUS-MEAT Limited
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Created Date: 21-11-12
Last Updated Date: 21-11-12